2017.09—至今 重庆大学开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国) 副教授
2015.09—2017.08 重庆大学开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国) 博士后
2010.09—2015.07 中国科学院高能物理研究所 博士
2006.09—2010.07 郑州大学物理工程学院 本科
2024.05—2025.04,中央高校基本科研业务费,编号2024CDJXY-022, 5万元。
2022.05—2023.04,中央高校基本科研业务费,编号2022CDJXY-002, 5万元。
2017.01—2018.12,留(来)渝博士后择优资助,编号2017LY05, 15万元。
1. Hai-Nan Lin, Rui Zou*. Revised Constraints on the fast radio burst population from the first CHIME/FRB catalog. Astrophys. J. 962 (2024) 73.
2. Li Tang, Hai-Nan Lin*, Xin Li. Inferring redshift and energy distributions of fast radio bursts from the first CHIME/FRB catalog. Chin. Phys. C 47 (2023) 085101.
3. Yu Sang, Hai-Nan Lin*. The temporally evolving energy and waiting time statistics of two repeating fast radio bursts. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 523 (2023) 5430.
4. Hai-Nan Lin, Rui Zou*. Probing the baryon mass fraction in IGM and its redshift evolution with fast radio bursts using Bayesian inference method. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 520 (2023) 6237.
5. Hai-Nan Lin, Li Tang*, Rui Zou. Revised constraints on the photon mass from well-localized fast radio bursts. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 520 (2023) 1324.
6. Li Tang, Hai-Nan Lin*, Liang Liu. Deep learning method for testing the cosmic distance duality relation. Chin. Phys. C 47 (2023) 015101.
7. Hai-Nan Lin*, Xin Li, Li Tang. Search for correlations between host properties and DM_host of fast radio bursts: constraints on the baryon mass fraction in IGM. Chin. Phys. C 46 (2022) 075102.
8. Yu Sang, Hai-Nan Lin*. Statistical similarity between soft gamma repeaters and repeating fast radio bursts. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 510 (2022) 1801.
9. Li Tang, Hai-Nan Lin*, Xin Li, Liang Liu. Reconstructing the Hubble diagram of gamma-ray bursts using deep learning. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 509 (2022) 1194.
10. Hai-Nan Lin, Yu Sang*. Probing the anisotropic distribution of baryon matter in the Universe using fast radio bursts. Chin. Phys. C 45 (2021) 125101.
11. Li Tang, Xin Li, Hai-Nan Lin*, Liang Liu. Model-independently calibrating the luminosity correlations of gamma-ray bursts using deep learning. Astrophys. J. 907 (2021) 121.
12. Hai-Nan Lin, Xin Li, Li Tang*. Strongly lensed gravitational waves as the probes to test the cosmic distance duality relation. Chin. Phys. C 45 (2021) 015109.
13. Hai-Nan Lin*, Xin Li. A new method to test the cosmic distance duality relation using the strongly lensed gravitational waves. Chin. Phys. C 44 (2020) 075101.
14. Hai-Nan Lin*, Yu Sang. Scale-invariance in the repeating fast radio burst 121102. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 491 (2020) 2156.
15. Hai-Nan Lin*, Xin Li. The Dark Matter Profiles in the Milky Way. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 487 (2019) 5679.
16. Hai-Nan Lin*, Xin Li, Li Tang. Non-parametric reconstruction of dark energy and cosmic expansion from the Pantheon compilation of type Ia supernovae. Chin. Phys. C 43 (2019) 075101.