周思益 副教授
个人简介: 2014年于中国科学技术大学获得理学学士学位,2019年在香港科技大学获得哲学博士学位,2019年至2021年在斯德哥尔摩大学进行博士后研究,2021年至2023年在神户大学进行博士后研究,2023年6月入职重庆大学开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)。主要从事理论宇宙学方面的研究,在PRL,PRD,PRB和PRA 等高水平学术期刊发表论文20余篇,Inspire引用300多次。其中,我在宇宙对撞机方面的工作获过日本的粒子物理和核物理论坛颁发的第十五次粒子物理奖章-理论物理青年科学家奖。我博士期间的研究工作曾获过香港科技大学理学院颁发的博士生优秀研究奖2018/19 School of Science Postgraduate Research Excellence Award。 发表的论文包括Journal of High Energy Physics(影响因子5.810)8篇,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics(影响因子5.839)10篇,Physical Review D(影响因子5.296)4篇。Chinese Physics C 1篇。
1. 宇宙对撞机
2. 引力波
发表论文 (# equal contribution, * corresponding author)
Superheavy dark matter production from a symmetry-restoring first-order phase transition during inflation
By Haipeng An, Xi Tong, Siyi Zhou*
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 2, 023522, arXiv: 2208.14857 [hep-ph]
Perturbative unitarity and NEC violation in genesis cosmology
By Yong Cai, Ji Xu, Shuai Zhao and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 10 (2022) 140, arXiv: 2207.11772 [gr-qc]
Gravitational waves from an inflation triggered first-order phase transition
By Haipeng An, Kunfeng Lyu, Lian-Tao Wang and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 06 (2022) 050, arXiv: 2201.05171 [astro-ph.CO]
Spiky strings in de Sitter space
By Mitsuhiro Kato, Kanji Nishii, Toshifumi Noumi, Toshiaki Takeuchi and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 05 (2021) 047, arXiv: 2102.09746 [hep-th]
Perturbative unitarity in quasi-single field inflation
By Suro Kim, Toshifumi Noumi, Keito Takeuchi and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 07 (2021) 018, arXiv: 2102.04101 [hep-th]
A unique gravitational wave signal from phase transition during inflation
By Haipeng An, Kun-Feng Lyu, Lian-Tao Wang and Siyi Zhou
arXiv: 2009.12381 [astro-ph.CO]
Cosmological Signatures of Superheavy Dark Matter
By Lingfeng Li, Shiyun Lu, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 07 (2020) 231, arXiv: 2002.01131 [hep-ph]
String Regge trajectory on de Sitter space and implications to inflation
By Toshifumi Noumi, Toshiaki Takeuchi and Siyi Zhou
Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 126012, arXiv:1907.02535 [hep-th]
Heavy Spinning Particles from Signs of Primordial Non-Gaussianities: Beyond the Positivity Bounds
By Suro Kim, Toshifumi Noumi, Keito Takeuchi and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 12 (2019) 107, arXiv:1906.11840 [hep-th]
Gravitational Production of Superheavy Dark Matter and Associated Cosmological Signatures
By Lingfeng Li, Tomohiro Nakama, Chon Man Sou, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 07 (2019) 067, arXiv:1903.08842 [hep-th]
Operator Method and Recursion Relations for Inflationary Correlator
By Shek Kit Chu, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 03 (2019) no.03, 042, arXiv:1812.00322 [hep-th]
Imprints of Schwinger Effect on Primordial Spectra
By Wan Zhen Chua, Qianhang Ding, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JHEP 04 (2019) 066, arXiv:1810.09815 [hep-th]
KLT-Like Behaviour of Inflationary Graviton Correlators
By Shing Yan Li, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 12 (2018) no.12, 023, arXiv:1806.06242 [hep-th]
Hybrid Quasi-Single Field Inflation
By Yi Wang, Yi-Peng Wu, Jun'ich Yokoyama and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 07, no. 07, 068 (2018), arXiv:1804.07541 [astro-ph.CO]
Connections between Minkowski and Cosmological Correlation Functions
By Shek Kit Chu, Mang Hei Gordon Lee, Shiyun Lu, Xi Tong, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 06, no. 06, 001 (2018), arXiv:1803.09637 [hep-th]
Unsuppressed Primordial Standard Clocks in Warm Quasi-Single Field Inflation
By Xi Tong, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 06, no. 06, 013 (2018), arXiv:1801.05688 [hep-th]
Fluctuations through a Vibrating Bounce
By Robert Brandenberger, Qiuyue Liang, Rudnei O. Ramos and Siyi Zhou
Phys. Rev. D 97 no. 4, 043504 (2018), arXiv:arXiv:1711.08370 [hep-th]
Strongly Coupled Quasi-Single Field Inflation
By Aditya Varna Iyer, Shi Pi, Yi Wang, Ziwei Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 01, no. 01, 041 (2018), arXiv:1710.03054 [hep-th]
On the Effective Field Theory for Quasi-Single Field Inflation
By Xi Tong, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 11, no. 11, 045 (2017) arXiv:1708.01709 [astro-ph.CO]
Holographic non-Gaussianities in General Single-field Inflation
By Hiroshi Isono, Toshifumi Noumi, Gary Shiu, Sam S.C. Wong and Siyi Zhou*
JHEP 12, 028 (2016), arXiv:1610.01258 [hep-th]
Differentiating G-inflation from String Gas Cosmology using the Effective Field Theory Approach
By Minxi He, Junyu Liu, Shiyun Lu, Siyi Zhou, Yi-Fu Cai, Yi Wang and Robert Brandenberger
JCAP 12, 040 (2016), arXiv:1601.01179 [hep-th]
On the Initial Condition of Inflationary Fluctuations
By Hongliang Jiang, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou
JCAP 04, no. 04, 041 (2016), arXiv:1601.01179 [hep-th]
Inflation with Massive Vector Fields
By Junyu Liu, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou*
JCAP 08, 033 (2015), arXiv:1502.05138 [hep-th]
Nonuniqueness of Classical Inflationary Trajectories on a High-dimensional Landscape\
By Junyu Liu, Yi Wang and Siyi Zhou*
Phys. Rev. D 91, no. 10, 103525 (2015), arXiv:1501.06785 [hep-th]