1. X. C. Hong, M. Gillig, W. L. Yao, L. Janssen, V. Kocsis, S. Gass, Y. Li, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Phonon thermal transport shaped by strong spin-phonon scattering in a Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6” npj Quantum Materials 9, 18 (2024).
2. X. C. Hong, M. Gillig, A. R. N. Hanna, S. Chillal, A. T. M. N. Islam, B. Lake, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Spinon heat transport in the three-dimensional quantum magnet PbCuTe2O6” Physical Review Letters 131, 256701 (2023).
3. X. C. Hong, M. Behnami, L. Yuan, B. Q. Li, W. Brenig, B. Büchner, Y. S. Li, and C. Hess “Heat transport of the kagome Heisenberg quantum spin liquid candidate YCu3(OH)6.5Br2.5: localized magnetic excitations and a putative spin gap” Physical Review B 106, L220406 (2022).
4. X. C. Hong, S. Sykora, F. Caglieris, M. Behnami, I. Morozov, S. Aswartham, V. Grinenko, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Elastoresistivity of heavily hole doped 122 iron pnictides superconductors” Frontiers in Physics 10, 853717 (2022). (Invited Contribution)
5. X. C. Hong, M. Gillig, R. Hentrich, W. L. Yao, V. Kocsis, A. R. Witte, T. Schreiner, D. Baumann, N. Pérez, A. U. B. Wolter, Y. Li, Bernd Büchner, and C. Hess “Strongly scattered phonon heat transport of the candidate Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6” Physical Review B 104, 144426 (2021). (Editor’s Suggestion)
6. X. C. Hong, F. Caglieris, R. Kappenberger, S. Wurmehl, S. Aswartham, F. Scaravaggi, P. Lepucki, A. U. B. Wolter, H.-J. Grafe, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Evolution of the nematic susceptibility in LaFe1−xCoxAsO” Physical Review Letters 125, 067001 (2020).
7. X. C. Hong, A. F. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Pan, L. P. He, X. G. Luo, X. H. Chen, and S. Y. Li “Doping evolution of the superconducting gap structure in heavily hole-doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2: a heat transport study”, Chinese Physics Letters 32, 127403 (2015).
8. X. C. Hong, Z. Zhang, S. Y. Zhou, J. Pan, Y. Xu, H. D. Wang, Q. H. Mao, M. H. Fang, J. K. Dong, and S. Y. Li “Multigap nodeless superconductivity in nickel chalcogenide TlNi2Se2”, Physical Review B 90, 060504(R) (2014).
9. X. C. Hong, X. L. Li, B. Y. Pan, L. P. He, A. F. Wang, X. G. Luo, X. H. Chen, and S. Y. Li “Nodal gap in iron-based superconductor CsFe2As2 probed by quasiparticle heat transport”, Physical Review B 87, 144502 (2013).
10. M. Gillig, X. C. Hong, C. Wellm, V. Kataev, W. L. Yao, Y. Li, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Phononic-magnetic dichotomy of the thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6” Physical Review Research 5, 043110 (2023).
11. M. Gillig, X. C. Hong, P. Sakrikar, G. Bastien, A.U.B. Wolter, L. Heinze, S. Nishimoto, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Thermal transport of the frustrated spin-chain mineral linarite: Magnetic heat transport and strong spin-phonon scattering” Physical Review B 104, 235129 (2021).
12. F. Caglieris, C. Wuttke, X. C. Hong, S. Sykora, R. Kappenberger, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, and C. Hess “Strain derivative of thermoelectric properties as a sensitive probe for nematicity” npj Quantum Materials 6, 27 (2021).
13. R. Hentrich, X. C. Hong, M. Gillig, F. Caglieris, M. Čulo, M. Shahrokhvand, U. Zeitler, M. Roslova, A. Isaeva, T. Doert, L. Janssen, M. Vojta, B. Büchner, C. Hess “High-field thermal transport properties of the Kitaev quantum magnet α-RuCl3: Evidence for low-energy excitations beyond the critical field” Physical Review B 102, 235155 (2020).
14. B. Y. Pan, Y. Xu, J. M. Ni, S. Y. Zhou, X. C. Hong, X. Qiu, and S. Y. Li “Unambiguous Experimental Verification of Linear-in-Temperature Spinon Thermal Conductivity in an Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain” Physical Review Letters 129, 167201 (2022).
15. T. P. Ying, X. F. Lai, X. C. Hong, Y. Xu, L. P. He, J. Zhang, M. X. Wang, Y. J. Yu, F. Q. Huang, and S. Y. Li “Nodal superconductivity in FeS: Evidence from quasiparticle heat transport” Physical Review B 94, 100504(R) (2016).
16. Y. Xu, J. Zhang, Y. S. Li, Y. J. Yu, X. C. Hong, Q. M. Zhang, and S. Y. Li “Absence of magnetic thermal conductivity in the quantum spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4” Physical Review Letters 117, 267202 (2016).
17. L. P. He, Y. T. Jia, S. J. Zhang, X. C. Hong, C. Q. Jin, and S. Y. Li “Pressure-induced superconductivity in the three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Cd3As2”, npj Quantum Materials 1, 16014 (2016).
18. P. L. Cai, J. Hu, L. P. He, J. Pan, X. C. Hong, Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Wei, Z. Q. Mao, and S. Y. Li “Drastic pressure effect on the extremely large magnetoresistance in WTe2 : quantum oscillation study”, Physical Review Letters 115, 257202 (2015).
19. L. P. He, X. C. Hong, J. K. Dong, J. Pan, Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, and S. Y. Li “Quantum transport evidence for the three-dimensional Dirac semimetal phase in Cd3As2”, Physical Review Letters 113, 246402 (2014). (Editor’s Suggestion)
20. S. Y. Zhou, X. C. Hong, X. Qiu, B. Y. Pan, Z. Zhang, X. L. Li, W. N. Dong, A. F. Wang, X. G. Luo, X. H. Chen, and S. Y. Li “Evidence for nodeless superconducting gap in NaFe1-xCoxAs from low-temperature thermal conductivity measurements”, Europhysics Letters 101, 17007 (2013). (Editor’s Choice)